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- Zoo News & Updates -
zoo world official facebook page - this is where it all began ;)
zoo world info - another place to gather information for zoo world
official zoo world forums - official forums, where to contact dev's and discuss issues, suggestions, etc.
zoo help chat - the main application's 'help chat room' - you can often find me here, answering questions, helping noobs, and just hanging out. :)
coming soon to zooworld - a FB group dedicated to sharing upcoming stuff in zoo, by Dan Steve Emerson
- Information -
Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ by the amazing ZWHG
ALL of the zoo world animals - a very cool picture page (with a search) of ALL the animals in zoo, by Benjamin McGrath.
Breeding chart - PDF file, with breeding information; breeding time, difficulty, and trophy information.
XP and breeding charts - Note by Joe O'Leary - with links to spreadsheets re: breeding and XP.
Guide to the collectibles - a chart, that tells you how many of each collectible you need - to upgrade to the top level. also includes dollar amount, each item 'shakes' for.
Zoo Trophies - an itemized list of the achievements in the Zoo - to earn WLP =)
Maps and Islands info - unlock levels, zoomate requirements, prices, etc.
Animals and their XP level - a list of when animals and levels unlock.
how to clear your cache - copy of a common note, passed around that explains how to clear cache for all browsers, which in turn will help to optimize your computer's internet performance.
how to build your rose garden - a complete guide by the wonderful Nasruddin
@->- rose gardens -<-@ a breakdown of each level, by Benjamin McGrath
how to unlock racing animals - guide by the awesome Jess Wagner
basic trouble shooting - common problems and some basic fix-its.
how to send multiple gifts at once - instead of waiting four hours, send more than one gift to someone.
how to stop your 'one click' paypal/rockyou agreement - remove, so you have to double-approve real $ purchases.
how to create zoo links - how to make a link to you or a friend's zoo
zoo world bonus checker - awesome place to gather all your friend's bonuses, topiaries, adoptions, etc.
Greenhouses worth shakin' - links to 30 greenhouses, that will get you approx. $125 million. (credit goes to Cynthia Stewart)
everything zoo 1 - and everything zoo 2 -- 2 pictoral links to everything there is, in zoo world - credit goes 100% to Dan Steve Emerson
Nasruddin Shaikh | Randy Harris | Zoo World helpgroup |
Joe O' Leary | Zoo World info | |
Pantheron Nicole | Tamara Wischmeier | Joanne Gray |
Raymond Duggan | Johan Liljeblad | Mike Deth |
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